Compiling this program from the Lewis and Short now in the public domain was a fantastic idea, and the tool is instantly and definitely worth it. I am a professional classicist and already wouldnt want to be parted from it.
There are some problems in the design of the program. For instance, it narrows down possible matches after each keystroke--useful for browsing or if one isnt sure of a root, but the small keyboard-gumming delays after each stroke really diminish the pleasure of using the program. This could be easily fixed without losing browsing functionality by only searching incomplete strings on command, for instance robig* to browse the possible entries related to "robigine."
Broken Greek display and lack of a homescreen make this application feel cheap and hacked together. Its worth the money by every means--but it would be nice to see this venerable lexicon treated with more respect.
Menahel about Latin Dictionary